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Brass/Steel Printed Badges (PRINTED BADGES)

Brass/Steel Printed Badges
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Prices from 25p

Your design is printed onto steel, so any areas of exposed metal such as borders, or indeed an internal part of the design, shine the natural colour of the metal.
Where the metal keylines that are required in enamelling cannot be used, then Printing is the right choice
Printed onto Brass or Steel and cut to your desired shape
Printed full colour process
Coated with clear epoxy to protect the print area
Fitted with a butterfly clutch fitting,

DUE TO CHINESE NEW YEAR - CURRENT LEAD TIME IS 5 working weeks from proof approval. UK option available at an additional cost

Our Prices

Please select a Print Option to view our latest prices.
Print Option
(Min Qty: 50)
Minimum order charges apply where order quantity is less than the lowest quantity shown, please ask for details

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